
PJ Simmons joins Mailchimp's Customer Advisory Board

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"Mailchimp has been an integral part of Whiteboard since our agency was founded in 2010. It's been a tool we've utilized for over a decade for a variety of clients across multiple sectors and I'm excited to contribute our voice to the Customer Advisory Board."

PJ Simmons
VP, Marketing

February 8, 2023

Whiteboard's P.J. Simmons has joined Mailchimp's Customer Advisory Board (CAB). Mailchimp's Customer Advisory Board was formed to increase emphasis on customer-driven innovation. The Board is composed of high-interest customers and partners across a wide range of industries, business sizes, and locations.

"Mailchimp has been an integral part of Whiteboard since our agency was founded in 2010," said Simmons. "It's been a tool we've utilized for over a decade for a variety of clients across multiple sectors and I'm excited to contribute our voice to the Customer Advisory Board."

Whiteboard's Growth Studio helps organizations identify, reach, engage, and convert audiences to action. Whether for-profit or not-for-profit, Whiteboard has helped strategize and implement Mailchimp-powered campaigns for dozens of clients such as Charityvest, Gage, Preemptive Love Coalition, Barna, CO.STARTERS, and WinShape Foundation.

Simmons continued: "It's really special to have a company like Mailchimp prioritize customer feedback. It not only gives us assurance in their product roadmap, but most importantly, gives us confidence in serving our clients with the best tools that bolster great outcomes."

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